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Monday, September 2, 2013

Skyway Accident Caused by a Counterflowing Vehicle and Caught on Cam

Joselino Luna a driver of Mazda 2 vehicle and was driving along skyway northbound direction. He has a vehicle cam mounted on his rearview mirror and recording the front of his windshield. He was driving along skyway at around 100kph at the innerlane, the overtaking lane and all of the  sudden an incoming Toyota Altis vehicle surprised him on an high speed head on collision. Luna tried to change lane but another vehicle was on his right side. Accident happened and they're lucky to survived this incident. The driver of the Toyota Altis was wasted. He's wrong from the start. He entered the skyway exit, counterflow in expressway, and exit at entry point. He also did not invest for a comprehensive insurance. Call him irresponsible. He is a reckless driver and this is reckless driving.

Incoming vehicle before the head on collision happened

Credits: AutoEncorePhil

Did Luna's vehicle save him from this scary accident? We should always consider the SAFETY FEATURES  of a vehicle before buying it. Saving a little from gas is not that good at all compared to investing a vehicle with a lot of safety features installed that may save your life incase anything happen like this.

Luna posted his accident experience on this facebook account, and it goes viral in youtube on August 24, 2013.

 His facebook account is in the link below.

credits: Mike Ballaban

No matter how safe we drive, ACCIDENT do happen because of irresponsible drivers like this. Strict issuance of drivers license can be one of the solutions I can think to prevent accident from reckless drivers. Why did the skyway officials didn't flag down this vehicles from the start, before he entered the exit of skyway? Do they have security cameras installed on the skyway? I think there's also a shortcoming on the part of the operation of skyway.

Drivers should always be alert and expect an accident can happened anytime. If we can't prevent it, at least we should be prepared and have presence of mind .

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